Friday 30 September 2016


Congratulations to Emma, Chloe and Axel for being presented with CE2.2's first Superstar Certificates, and Alix, Andrea and Isabella in CE2.1. Certificates go to children when they have collected 20 stickers on their sticker charts. Stickers are awarded for sticking to the class golden rules as well as demonstrating the school's five values. When the whole class has collected 20 stickers, children will enjoy not only the accolade of being a Class Superstar, but also a whole class treat of the class's choice.. perhaps a crazy science experiment, a cooking afternoon, an extra art class or a team game outside. Look out for the next lot of Superstars coming soon...

Les anniversaires du mois de septembre- CE2.2

Joyeux anniversaire Emma et Ingrid!

Thursday 22 September 2016

Nouvelles de la classe de français- nº3

Voici un aperçu de ce que nous avons fait en classe au cours de ces deux dernières semaines :

Lecture/ Production écrite
- Découverte des première et quatrième  pages de couverture de La potion magique de Georges Bouillon de Roald Dahl, Lecture du premier chapitre.
Nous avons travaillé plus spécifiquement autour de la description de la grand-mère de Georges et nous avons dessiné son portrait.
- Poésie : La ponctuation de Daniel Coulon
- La recette : les verbes dans une recette, le vocabulaire utilisé
- Révisions des minuscules : poursuite du fichier d’écriture en autonomie

Etude de la langue
- Grammaire : repérer les verbes conjugués dans une phrase, trouver l’infinitif d’un verbe conjugué
- Orthographe : les graphies du son in, la lettre m devant m, b, p
- Vocabulaire : utiliser un dictionnaire

- Lire et écrire les nombre jusqu’à 999
- Problème : associer énoncés et questions
- Géométrie (ce2F) : Mesurer une longueur (cm et mm)

Questionner le monde/ Arts
- Journée internationale de la paix : discussion et chant
- Cercles et peinture

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Correction Code

CE2 is the year that we really work hard on autonomy in the classroom as you know. One part of this is the children learning to self assess and auto correct their work. The children have been introduced to the correction code this week which will be used by the English teachers until the end of CM2. Children's work is now marked using the correction code and writing corrections as a new piece of work will become routine tasks from now on.

It is hoped that the correction code will encourage the children to take greater care in their written work and check writing for simple mistakes before handing it to their teacher to be marked and corrected. The more mistakes they can spot themselves the less corrections they will need to do.

There is also a French version which will be introduced in the French classroom very soon!

Journée internationale de la paix

Aujourd'hui nous avons participé à la journée internationale de la paix.
Nous avons posé nos empreintes sur les vitres de l' atrium, nous nous sommes rassemblés avec les autres sections pour une photo aérienne et nous avons chanté la chanson Enfant de paix.
Enfant de paix


In the CE2.2 classroom we talked a bit about what Peace means to us and how lucky we are to be able to live in a country which is at Peace; free from disturbance, and despite the noisy city, cars, bright lights etc, a country where we are able to enjoy tranquility! 

We also discussed that although we cannot change the world overnight and create World Peace - we can each do our own little bit by trying to make our immediate environment a more peaceful place, which then has a knock-on effect to our greater environment and beyond. Indeed if everybody in the world did the same, then we would in fact enjoy a peaceful world!

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Election des délégués

Aujourd’hui, nous avons élu nos délégués. Bravo à tous les élèves qui se sont portés candidats !

Richard représentera les classes de CE2.1 et CE2.F, Margot sera sa remplaçante. 


Tuesday 13 September 2016

Student Council Representatives

Today a ballot was held to elect the class reps for each class in the FS. Congratulations to Kiara and Emma for being elected as Class Rep. and Deputy of CE2.2 Kiara was elected for being half French, her confidence at speaking and her good English, (meetings will be held in English).. and Emma was elected because she is smart and also speaks very good English. Good luck to both girls and well done!


Well done to Richard, Ethan, Alexandre, Matthew, Connie, Cleophee, Andrea, Noria, Allyn, Ingrid, Noel and Axel for earning enough points last week for a certificate in either Mathletics, Spellodrome or both. These activities certainly do make a difference to spelling ability anc come highly recommended. Do please remember to encourage your child to log-in, even if it's just a couple of times per week.

Similarly, please keep an eye on your child's green reading diary. If he or she isn't reading one class reader per week with you or another adult at home, please try to encourage your child to do so. I am slowly getting around to listening to each child read, but the comment section is in the diary for you to make comments about reading ability, the level of the reading book etc. etc. We have just had delivery of around 50 new titles from the UK for the kids to enjoy too! Happy reading!

Thursday 8 September 2016

Nouvelles de la classe de français- nº2

Voici un aperçu de ce que nous avons fait en classe au cours des deux dernières semaines :

Lecture/ Production écrite
- Imaginer et écrire la fin de la nouvelle Les Nougats
- Découverte de la fin de la nouvelle Les nougats (2eme partie)
- Raconter à l’oral l’histoire en utilisant un vocabulaire précis
- Lancement des ateliers de lecture : lire  mieux et plus vite
- Ordonner des mots pour écrire une phrase complexe
- Révisions des minuscules : poursuite du fichier d’écriture en autonomie

Etude de la langue
- Vocabulaire : se repérer dans un dictionnaire
- Grammaire : les formes de la phrase
- Orthographe : les graphies du son on et du son an

Nous avons commencé les dictées. Nous alternerons les textes à trous, les enfants devront  écrire des groupes de mots, et les dictées de textes . 
Lors des dictées de groupes de mots, les enfants se concentreront sur les mots appris et les accords au sein du groupe nominal.  
Lors des dictées de textes, les enfants reinvestiront les mots appris et devront réaliser toutes les chaines d' accord (sujet/verbe, groupe nominal).

- Problèmes : associer énoncés et questions
- Décomposer les nombres jusqu’à 99
-  Intercaler des nombre jusqu’à 99
- Comparer des nombres jusqu’à 99
- Ajouter un petit nombre (calcul réfléchi)
- Retrancher un petit nombre (calcul réfléchi)
- Géométrie (CE2F) :
- Vocabulaire géométrique : alignement, droite, segment, milieu
- Prolonger un segment
- Construire le milieu d’un segment
- Comparer deux longueurs
- Mesurer une longueur

Questionner le monde 
- Le temps qui passe : les jours, semaines, mois et années

Friday 2 September 2016

Past 2 Weeks

Both CE2 classes are working on recounts during English literacy classes. We have finished the first unit now and the children should now know the features of writing a recount, including how a recount is structured and some of the language features which are needed. The children have been working with three different examples of recounts including two diaries (first person) and a biography (third person).

Maths lessons have been focused on place value and numbers up to 9999. 

Children have been playing games and completing written work around these two areas of maths. Next week, we will begin exploring different methods to easily add numbers mentally. 

I have sent the Daily Work Books back with CE2.2 this afternoon. Please take a few moments to have a look at what they have been doing and discuss what they are working on. Please sign the book where you see the date stamp after the most recent entry. Please remember to make sure the book comes back on Monday. 

CE2.1 have their French Cahier du Jour. Next week will be swap.

Have a lovely weekend!