Friday 26 August 2016

Nouvelles de la classe de français- nº1

Voici un aperçu de ce que nous avons fait en classe au cours des deux dernières semaines :

Lecture/ Production écrite
- Découverte de la nouvelle Les nougats (1ère partie)
- Se présenter à l’oral et à l’écrit
- Ordonner des mots pour faire une phrase qui a du sens
- Révisions des minuscules : découverte du fichier d’écriture

Etude de la langue
- Vocabulaire : recherche de mots autour du thème de la mer
- Grammaire : la phrase et les points de ponctuation
- Orthographe : les nombres en lettres
Couper un mot en syllabes

- Problèmes : recherche de toutes les possibilités
- Lire et écrire les nombres de 0 à 99

Questionner le monde/ Arts
- Se repérer sur une page de cahier/respecter les règles de présentation
- Se repérer dans l’emploi du temps de CE2
- Les règles de la classe
- La main : contour et graphismes

Mathletics and Spellodrome

Those of you at the meeting on Wednesday will have heard me talk briefly about Mathletics and Spellodrome. Users are automatically redirected to Mathletics Asia at

All three CE2 classes now have access to both sites, you will find their usernames and passwords in the back of their correspondence books.  

When your child has completed the set activities in Mathletics, the bars will change from orange to blue.


I would prefer that the children don't do the blue Mathletics activities but instead work on the activities on the right hand side of the screen. I have no way of controlling this however.

All the activities on the right of the screen become available when the set Mathletics activities have been completed, including Spellodrome at the bottom right. 

This is another site which helps the children with spelling and vocabulary. Children are set word lists depending on their level of English and there are numerous activities to do associated with the words in the lists. I will assign a new list every 2 weeks but can increase that for individual kids if necessary.  

If your child hasn't completed the set activities in Mathletics, they can still access Spellodrome using the Mathletics username and password, but they must do so via the Spellodrome Homepage at 

CE2.1 and CE2f have been shown the spellodrome site today, I will show CE2.2 on Monday.

Most of the kids have already been busy on Mathletics this week and if CE2.2 discover spellodrome over the weekend, it's not a problem. Word lists have been assigned so they are good to go.

Please note that if the children want to compete against each other in either maths or spelling contests, they can do so online. You might use your class Line group to set up specific times that the kids can be logged on at the same time in order to compete against each other. They can also compete against the computer however, or children form all over the world who are logged in at that time.

I hope all the children will enjoy both sites throughout the year. They are a wonderful resource and we are lucky to be able to have full access for another year! 

If you have any questions, please do let me know.

Friday 19 August 2016

End of week 1

So we've finished the first week back and the CE2 classes are settling back into school. They all seem to be happy to be back and we're looking forward to a great year ahead.

This week we have been finding out a bit more about each other, finding out what the important things to remember are in CE2, finding out about our different classroom jobs, meeting Leonardo the classroom terrapin, as well as all the usual beginning of a new school year stuff...

All About Me Booklets

Sticker charts ready to be filled with stickers 

This morning we had a whole school assembly with all the classes from GS to CM2. Mr Vesseau talked about the 5 Values of the French Section and how important it is to keep these in mind in all that we do at school. He also awarded some of the children with DELF and Cambridge certificates from exams which were sat last school year.

This afternoon CE2.2, and CE2f discussed how the values of Respect, Participation, Responsibility, Creativity and Determination are linked to our class's Golden Rules, what they mean to us and how we can try to incorporate them into our daily lives and routines. 

Maeva and I are looking forward to meeting you all on Wednesday at 6pm in J301 for the introductory meeting, where we will give you lots of important information, as well as answer any questions you might have for us. Do please try to come along as it's an important opportunity for us to meet you and let you know all the important little details which well help you to help us to get the best out of your children in the year ahead.

Have a super weekend.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

1er jour en classe de français pour les CE2.2.

Au tour des CE2.2 de faire leur première journée en classe de français! 
Voici quelques photos:

Monday 15 August 2016

CE2.F – CE2.1 : Première journée en classe de CE2 (Français)

Chers parents,

Bienvenue à tous !

La rentrée s’est très bien passée, les enfants étaient tous heureux de venir à l’école !

Voici quelques photos de notre journée :